Pandas is a powerful, fast, flexible, and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation program within the Python ecosystem. This week I am learning more about Data Manipulation using Pandas with Mutiara Technology Indonesia as one of the subject in their Data Science Training Program #MutiaraTechnologyIndonesia.
Day 1
On the first day, we were introduced to Pandas data structures and the benefits of using pandas. Three of the advantages of using pandas are; it is an open source library, has a very good performance, and their data structures are easy to use.
Pandas operate with three basic data structures; Series, DataFrame, and Panel. The example of pandas implementation can be seen on the pictures below.
Day 2
On the second day, we were studying about Input Output(IO) Tools, Data Indexing and Selection, and Data Transformation. The materials can be seen on the pictures below.
Day 3
The materials for day 3 were about Data Reshaping and Pivot Tables. Reshape DataFrames is useful to modify data from wide to long format, stack and unstack rows and columns, and wrangle multi-index Data Frames.
The example of DataReshaping using pandas can be seen on the pictures below.
Day 4
Fourth day materials were focusing on Data Grouping, working with text and missing data, Time Series, Time Deltas, and Styling. The implementation of the materials on fourth day can be seen on the pictures below.
Day 5
The materials for the fifth day is about Merging Join, Concat on DataFrame, and Nullable Integer Data Type, which explained comprehencefully in the video below.
That would be all the materials for data manipulation using Pandas that I learned on Mutiara Technology Data Science Training.